Violence-Portraying Drink Coasters

The Violent Coasters Aim to Discourage Domestic Abuse

The Yaocho Bar Group chain of nightlife joints has designed a series of drink coasters, dubbed Violent Coasters, that feature portraits of Japanese women on them -- portraits that reveal facial injuries when cold drinks are placed on them.

To begin with, the coasters feature head-and-shoulders shots of Japanese women. However, they are printed with thermochemical ink -- so when cold drinks are placed on the coasters, their temperature drops, initiating a chemical reaction that changes the color of the women's faces. In addition to revealing cuts and bruises, the message "Don't let excessive drinking end in domestic violence" appears.

The Yaocho Bar Group has a history of carrying out creative and hard-hitting promotions to discourage irresponsible drinking, and these brutal drink coasters are a surefire way to send across a strong message.
Trend Themes
1. Anti-domestic Abuse Awareness Promotion - Innovative marketing strategies can be utilized to effectively spread awareness about domestic abuse.
2. Interactive Advertising Campaigns - Interactive advertising campaigns that catch the audience's attention can help increase brand visibility.
3. Social Media Marketing - Social media marketing can be used to promote the message of anti-domestic abuse.
Industry Implications
1. Alcohol Industry - The alcohol industry can use innovative marketing strategies to spread awareness about the negative consequences of excessive drinking.
2. Anti-domestic Abuse Organizations - Anti-domestic abuse organizations can use these violent coasters as a tool to start conversations and raise awareness about domestic violence.
3. Advertising Industry - The advertising industry can utilize interactive campaigns such as these coasters to increase brand visibility and promote social causes.

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