Geeky Classic Paintings

'Video Games Get Arty' Series Mashes Fine Arts with Digital World

The Video Games Get Arty series was made by artist Guillaume Colomb.

The artist has a background in video games, an appreciation for fine arts and a talent with photoshop. The illustrations put famous iconic video game characters such as Mario and Peach, as well as old school icons like Pac-Man, into classical art pieces. Colomb has a wonderful ability to integrate classic paintings such as Botticelli's Venus and Picasso's self-portrait with the gaming world.

Colomb explains his reasoning behind the Video Games Get Arty series, saying, "Video games are not just fun, it’s really, (for some, not all of them of course), a great piece of art, but there is a big debate about 'Are video games, Art.' The answer is yes, of course, but it will take time for people to admit it."
Trend Themes
1. Digital Art - The mashup of video game characters and classical art opens up opportunities for artists to explore digital art and create unique pieces.
2. Gamification of Art - Bringing video game characters into classical art forms creates a new way to engage audiences and make art more accessible.
3. Blurring the Lines - The integration of video game elements into traditional art challenges the boundaries between different artistic mediums.
Industry Implications
1. Fine Arts - Artists can utilize digital tools to create and market their own contemporary pieces that blend elements of video games and classic paintings.
2. Gaming - Game developers can explore collaborations with artists to create unique gaming experiences that incorporate references to classical art.
3. Digital Media - Digital media platforms can feature and promote the mashup of video game characters and classical art, opening up new avenues for entertainment and expression.

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