Room-Cooling Dining Tables

This Versatile Table Helps Diffuse Heat and Keep Rooms Cool

Two French engineers have designed a versatile table that helps to keep rooms at a comfortable 71 degrees Fahrenheit. With summer in full swing, many people have begun turning on their noisy air conditioning units. This new room-cooling table allows you to ditch your hefty AC for a sleek piece of furniture instead.

Raphaël Ménard and Jean-Sébastien Lagrange designed the ‘ZEF Climatic Table’ to be a sustainable room-cooling system. While the table initially looks like a simple piece of oak furniture, it actually contains a unique combination of wax and heat-diffusing aluminum panels. The oak plateau helps to conceal the climactic damper, which uses the wax to take in excess warmth. The aluminum sheets then diffuse cool air across the length of the table.

The versatile table not only helps to keep you cool, but it can help you save money as well. Ménard and Lagrange explain that the room-cooling table can help reduce energy bills by 30 percent and heating bills by about 60 percent.
Trend Themes
1. Room-cooling Furniture - Innovative designs and materials for furniture that can help diffuse heat and lower energy consumption.
2. Sustainable Cooling Solutions - The use of eco-friendly materials and innovative technologies for cooling systems that reduce carbon footprint and save energy.
3. Multipurpose Cooling Devices - Innovative technology that combines furniture and appliances for a practical, efficient and stylish use.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Manufacturing - Room-cooling furniture can provide a disruptive innovation opportunity for furniture manufacturers to create sustainable and energy-efficient designs.
2. HVAC Industry - The creation of sustainable cooling systems that utilize eco-friendly materials and innovative technologies can provide opportunities for HVAC companies to expand their customer base.
3. Smart Home Technology - The integration of cooling systems that double as furniture can provide an opportunity for smart home technology companies to create a multi-functional device that saves energy and space.

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