Naturalistic Lighting Collections

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Veli Foliage Lighting Has a Low Environmental Impact

10 years ago, the Veli collection was created and as a follow-up to the iconic designs, the mindfully crafted Veli Foliage lighting collection is being introduced. The collection is more environmentally conscious than ever, as it is made with technopolymers that offer four times less of an environmental impact than other materials.

The collection consists of a ceiling or wall lamp, a suspension lamp and a table lamp, each of which is intricately crafted with hundreds of folded and inserted pieces. The delicate light forms remind of leaves and blossoming flowers, offering an elegant way to bring elements of nature into any interior.

As well as the designs themselves being mindfully made, the extra cuttings that are created in the process are turned into beehives.
Trend Themes
1. Eco-friendly Lighting - The Veli Foliage collection showcases an opportunity for innovation in creating environmentally conscious lighting designs.
2. Nature-inspired Lighting Designs - The Veli Foliage collection highlights a trend toward incorporating elements of nature into lighting design.
3. Upcycling Lighting Waste - Veli Foliage's use of extra cuttings to create beehives presents a trend in innovative upcycling practices for lighting waste materials.
Industry Implications
1. Interior Design - The Veli Foliage collection is tailor-made for interior designers looking to create elegant lighting solutions while minimizing environmental impact.
2. Sustainable Manufacturing - The Veli Foliage collection demonstrates an opportunity for innovation in sustainable manufacturing processes for lighting designs.
3. Waste Management - The Veli Foliage collection highlights trends in upcycling practices for lighting waste materials, presenting opportunities for growth in waste management industries.

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