Army Office Toys

This USB Rocket Launcher Will Ward Off Jerks at Work

If work has got you down and you can’t stand your co-workers, bring in this USB rocket launcher. "Playfully" shoot at your colleagues to liven up the mood in the office as you pretend to kill them. Business is the warfare of the modern age, and with this USB rocket launcher, you will be well equipped for anything they throw at you.

This USB rocket launcher shoots four soft, foam missiles, but you can pretend they’re real. This USB rocket launcher works by being plugged into your computer and then using the mouse to aim at your "friends."

Before you use this missile launcher, you first download the software on your computer. Then, you can easily maneuver it.
Trend Themes
1. Office Pranks - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop more sophisticated and interactive office prank gadgets to create a fun and engaging work environment.
2. USB Gadgets - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Design innovative USB gadgets that bring excitement and functionality to the workplace for improved productivity and employee engagement.
3. Workplace Stress Relief - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create novel devices or solutions that help employees de-stress and alleviate workplace tensions through harmless and entertaining activities.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore new possibilities in the technology industry by developing unique USB-powered devices that enhance the work experience and promote a positive atmosphere.
2. Office Supplies - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Reinvent traditional office supplies by infusing them with playful and interactive elements to foster creativity, collaboration, and enjoyment in the workplace.
3. Entertainment - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Merge entertainment and work-related products and services to create new opportunities for leisure activities that can be enjoyed during breaks or downtime in the office.

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