Upside Down Car Installatoins

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Alex Chinneck & Vauxhall Collaborated For This Dizzying Installation

British artist Alex Chinneck is known for putting together some really strange and mind-bending art installations, but he may have outdone himself with this upside down car installation. The installation features the new Vauxhall Corsa hanging upside down on a curled-up stretch of tarmac.

Created on behalf of Vauxhall to promote the Corsa -- called the Opel Corsa in some markets -- the installation comprises a Corsa suspended 4.5 meters of the ground on a stretch of ripped-up and curled-over tarmac, without any visible support in place.

As is the case with much of Chinneck's work, the exact modus operandi behind putting together this upside down car installation hasn't been revealed. However it is known that he employed a large team of craftsmen and engineers, who installed the piece overnight at London's Southbank Centre car park.

Chinneck says that while he is "most excited by the hidden engineering and complex manipulation of concealed steel, others will simply enjoy the accessible theatricality of the illusion at play."
Trend Themes
1. Upside Down Installations - Exploring the trend of creating art installations featuring upside down objects.
2. Mind-bending Art - The trend of artists pushing boundaries with strange and unconventional art installations.
3. Hidden Engineering in Art - The trend of incorporating complex engineering techniques into artistic installations.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive - An industry that could leverage the upside down car installation concept for promotional purposes, creating memorable marketing campaigns.
2. Arts and Entertainment - Opportunities for event organizers, museums, and galleries to embrace mind-bending art installations to captivate audiences and create immersive experiences.
3. Construction and Engineering - The potential for collaboration between artists and engineers to create visually stunning and technically challenging installations, blending art and science.

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