Upcycled Wooden Mobile Chairs

These Upcycled Chairs are Made from Vintage Wooden Casks

These alluring 'Miss Dondola' up-cycled chairs by Angela Missoni playfully combine recycled wooden casks with vibrantly multicolored padded seat design to create an ingenious mobile hanging rocker.

Angela Missoni gained inspiration for these creatively innovative hanging mobile chairs when she saw the curved wooden slabs of vintage wooden caskets. Angela decided to up-cycle the unused wood and use the natural curvature of the slabs to make an elegantly C-shaped rocker. The slabs are kept together with colorful interwoven knotted strings that help to keep the slabs parallel to one another. On each chair is a beautifully vibrant technicolor seat padding that helps to make the cask wood more comfortable to sit on.

Each chair is also interlaced with thick metal chains at each corner so it can be hung like a mobile swing.
Trend Themes
1. Upcycling Furniture - The trend of upcycling furniture is disrupting traditional furniture manufacturing by offering unique and sustainable design options.
2. Mobile Furniture - Mobile furniture is a growing trend offering versatile and adaptable design solutions for small spaces and changing needs.
3. Sustainable Design - Sustainable design is a trend that is becoming increasingly important in industries such as furniture manufacturing, as consumers become more environmentally conscious and seek out eco-friendly products.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Manufacturing - The furniture manufacturing industry can take advantage of the upcycling trend and offer sustainable, unique, and versatile furniture designs that cater to changing consumer demands.
2. Interior Design - Interior designers can incorporate innovative and sustainable furniture designs like these upcycled wooden mobile chairs in their projects to create distinctive and eco-friendly spaces.
3. Eco-friendly Products - The trend of eco-friendly products is disrupting industries, including furniture manufacturing, to provide consumers with more sustainable and ethical options.

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