Low Resolution Heels

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Get Geek Chic With the United Nude Lo Res Shoe

The United Nude Lo Res is one shoe that will have chic geeks raving. The shoe is created by United Nude and is created using a "semi-automatic design method" that allows it to be "digitally scanned into a 3-D computer model and re-generated into various resolutions."

Who said fashion and computers had to be kept separate? It is apparent that technological fashion is becoming more common and the United Nude Lo Res heel is just one example out of many that prove it.
Trend Themes
1. Technological Fashion - The trend of merging fashion with technology could open up opportunities for startups to develop more affordable, customizable and environment-friendly fashion products.
2. Semi-automatic Design - The trend of using semi-automatic design methods in fashion could create opportunities for fashion designers and manufacturers to produce unique, customizable and high-quality products that cater to individual consumers.
3. 3-D Printed Shoes - The trend of 3-D printing in the footwear industry presents an opportunity for businesses to produce custom-fit shoes that are affordable, fashion-forward and comfortable.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - The fashion industry could adopt semi-automatic design methods and 3-D printing techniques to produce custom-fit products and reduce waste, ultimately leading to more sustainable practices and increased profits.
2. Technology - The technology industry can explore the use of digitized design methods and 3-D printing technologies to offer innovative and efficient design solutions for the fashion industry.
3. Manufacturing - The manufacturing industry can adopt 3-D design and printing technologies to produce customizable and automated products, thus reducing material waste, improving product quality and increasing efficiency.

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