Solarized Street Lamps

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Gotham Luminaires Lights Path to United Nations Climate Change Conference

The United Nations Climate Change Conference (or COP15) is about to take place in Copenhagen, so it's no wonder that the city is incorporating eco-friendly elements into its urban landscape.

On the footsteps of Copenhagen's pedal-powered city hall Christmas tree are special solar-powered street lamps that will light the way to the United Nations Climate Change Conference. The lamps are architecture firm 3XN's 'Gotham' luminaires. Seven of these solar-powered LED lightsâ€"which produce more energy than they useâ€"will be installed at the Bella Center where the conference will take place.
Trend Themes
1. Solar Powered Lighting - The trend of solar powered lighting could disrupt the traditional lighting industry, particularly for outdoor lighting solutions.
2. Renewable Energy - The trend towards renewable energy can lead to disruptive innovations and opportunities in different industries, from manufacturing to transportation.
3. Sustainable Architecture - The trend of sustainable architecture can lead to innovative solutions for creating sustainable buildings, and increasing the adoption of green building practices.
Industry Implications
1. Lighting - The lighting industry could innovate towards solar powered and energy efficient lighting solutions for residential and commercial use.
2. Renewable Energy - The renewable energy industry could see growth and investment, leading to technological advancements and job creation.
3. Architecture - The architecture industry can focus on sustainable design and building practices to reduce energy consumption and carbon footprint of buildings.

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