Touchscreen DJ Knobs

Tuna Knobs Convert Regular Tablets into DJ Workstations

Tuna Knobs are a set of knob-based controls that can be attached to any capacitative touchscreen to add a whole new dimension to the digital music-making experience. The knobs essentially bring the sensation of touch-based feedback to music-making apps and software.

The setup begins with the attachment of a transparent acrylic base to the touchscreen of the device using a suction cup. The base is attached so as to align with virtual knobs displayed on-screen. This allows digital music composers to turn the knobs and see their physical movements translated into touch commands in the accompanying app.

Tuna Knobs are compatible with iOS, Android as well as Windows devices. The developers of Tuna Knobs have taken to Kickstarter to raise funds for further development and production of their nifty product.
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Knob Controls - The trend of using knob-based controls on capacitive touchscreens to enhance digital music-making experiences.
2. Touch-based Feedback - The trend of incorporating touch-based feedback in music-making apps and software to improve user experience.
3. Crowdfunding for Hardware Development - The trend of using crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter to raise funds for the development and production of innovative hardware products.
Industry Implications
1. Music Production - Disruptive innovation opportunities in music production industry by integrating virtual knob controls into digital music-making devices and software.
2. App Development - Disruptive innovation opportunities for app developers to create music-making apps with touch-based feedback to enhance user experience.
3. Crowdfunding - Disruptive innovation opportunities for crowdfunding platforms to support the development of innovative hardware products like Tuna Knobs.

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