5 (More) Hot Green Women

Treehugging Beauties

Earth First felt it would help their cause by publishing a list of their top 25 Hottest Green women.

Number five is Olivia Zaleski, a freelance writer in New York that has been involved with Huffington Post, Eco-Chick, Treehugger, and The Daily Green. Number four is Hayden Panettiere. The Heroes actress is the spokeswoman for “Save The Whales Again." Number three is Rachel McAdams, the Canadian starlet of The Notebook who scored a lot of points with environmental activists last year when she and two friends launched Green is Sexy. Number two is Julia Butterfly-Hill who lived in a 180-foot tall, 600-year old redwood tree (Luna) for over two years.

The Hottest Green Woman, according to Earth First, is Summer Raine Oakes, a model. She holds a fellowship from the National Wildlife Federation, a Treehugger contributor, host/contributor/expert/board member for the Discovery Channel's Planet Green, Udall scholar, and holds an entomology degree from Cornell.

Check out numbers 6-10:
Trend Themes
1. Eco-celebrity - Creating a line of eco-friendly consumer products endorsed by green celebrities.
2. Green-education - Establishing Green universities with modeled degree programs and research foci dedicated to environmental innovation.
3. Sustainable-food - Creating sustainable farming and alternative health product lines with advisory board including green influencers.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - Bring green topics to mainstream media outlets and incorporating eco-friendly practices into entertainment industry business models.
2. Education - Establishing Green universities with modeled degree programs and research foci dedicated to environmental innovation.
3. Fashion - Creating eco-fashion and beauty lines that incorporate sustainable materials and selecting eco-influencers and activists as the face of the brand.

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