Wooden Canine Carousels

These Dog Carousel Seats by Tim Racer Support the Rescuing of Pitbulls

Artist and pet lover Tim Racer ingeniously combined his passion for restoring 19th century wooden carousel seats and rescuing pitbulls with these wooden canine carousel sculptures.

Racer's talent with wood carving is unbelievably breathtaking. He is able to carve remarkably realistic and life-sized animals from various blocks of wood and turn them into vintage Victorian-looking carousel seats. Because Racer is co-founder of an organization that works to rescue mistreated pitbulls, called BADRAP, his latest collection of carousels have all been dog-themed. The carousel seats creatively replace the iconic pony seats with different breeds of dogs that look like they're heroically running in the wind. Each seat is hand-painted using a bold range of colors.

Racer's latest carousel canine is molded after his own puppy.
Trend Themes
1. Animal-inspired Furniture - There is a growing trend for unique, animal-inspired furniture like Tim Racer's wooden canine carousels.
2. Pet-themed Artwork - More artists are incorporating their love for pets into their artwork to support pet rescues, like Tim Racer's dog-themed wooden carousels to support badrap.org.
3. Vintage-inspired Design - Many designers are finding inspiration in vintage styles, like Tim Racer's Victorian-looking carousel seats turned dog-themed rescue carousels.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture - Furniture designers can incorporate animal-inspired designs, like Tim Racer's wooden canine carousels, into their products to attract animal lovers and support related causes.
2. Art - Pet-themed artwork, like Tim Racer's dog-themed wooden carousels, can help artists support animal rescue organizations and attract pet lovers as customers.
3. Pets and Rescue - Organizations that focus on the rescue and care of animals can collaborate with artists and designers to produce unique and creative products, like Tim Racer's wooden canine carousels, to attract supporters and raise awareness about their cause.

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