Font Dependant Type-Faces

The Tiago Pinto Caricatures Change Looks Completely

The Tiago Pinto Caricatures are faces made solely of different letters and symbols from a single font. These quirky characters look widely different according to the type that they are comprised of.

University professors and high school teachers stress the importance of Times New Roman or Arial type for all essays and assignments for professionalism sake; the same is said for resumes. So it is common knowledge that a font has the ability to easily change the tone of any piece of writing -- just take the Higgs-Boson discovery presentation in Comic Sans fiasco for example.

It is clear that this is the case with faces too; their personalities range from baby cute to goofy to sophisticated to studious. The range in expression is endless!
Trend Themes
1. Font-based Facial Expressions - By using characters from a single font to create facial expressions, there is an opportunity for disruption in the world of digital communication and emoticons.
2. Custom Font Creation - With the ability to uniquely convey emotions through font-based facial expressions, there is an opportunity for the creation of custom fonts for personal and business use.
3. Font Selection for Branding - Businesses can explore incorporating font-based facial expressions as part of their branding and marketing strategies to convey a certain message or tone.
Industry Implications
1. Graphic Design - Innovative graphic designers and digital artists can experiment with creating font-based facial expressions as a new form of art.
2. Digital Communication - The world of digital communication and messaging apps can integrate font-based facial expressions as a creative and unique feature.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Businesses can explore incorporating font-based facial expressions as part of their branding and marketing strategies to convey a certain message or tone.

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