Freaky Eyeball Art

Theo Mercier Builds Bug-Eyed Creatures

Theo Mercier is a unique artist who focuses on eyes in this collection -- creepy, bulging, blood-shot eyes. The eyes are what many people look at first, so watch out because these ones might make you jump!

Clumps of grass with huge open eyes stare out at you in these intriguing Theo Mercier works. Theo Mercier’s bizarre objects and strange crea­tures make his artwork stand-out from the crowd. To see Theo in action, check out the short video.
Trend Themes
1. Eye Art - Creating unique and creepy eye art pieces that captivate an audience's attention through its visually stimulating nature.
2. Grass Art - Using clumps of grass to create visually captivating art pieces that incorporate texture and color to the overall design.
3. Surrealism Art - Creating strange, bizarre, and captivating art pieces that elicit a strong emotional response in the viewer's perception of reality.
Industry Implications
1. Art & Design - By leveraging the latest tools, creating new techniques for expression using different materials and mediums taking advantage of the digital era for showcasing and selling art pieces and collectibles.
2. Marketing & Advertising - Implementing these creative and striking pieces to promote businesses, products, and services in a bold and provocative way that captures the target market's attention.
3. Entertainment & Media - Incorporating the surrealism and eye-catching nature found in these works of art, along with similar styles, into movies, video games, television, and other forms of entertainment media to create engaging content that is both unique and visually mesmerizing.

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