Customized Lampshades

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Terrific Tubes Lets You Design Your Own Lights and Vases

Create your own lamps with the Terrific Tubes Clipsystem. The website lets you first choose a light system and then upload your own designs or logos. Once you have selected your favorite designs, Terrific Tubes will print a special wallpapering, or inlay, for the glass tubes, which are then cut in stripes to fit the lampshade.

Using the logo and illustrations you have chosen, you'll be able to create your very own unique and special piece to brighten up your home.
Trend Themes
1. Customized Lighting - Opportunities for others to follow Terrific Tubes' example in allowing people to create unique lighting solutions based on their own design choices.
2. Print-on-demand Home Decor - Companies could digitally print and manufacture customized designs for home decor items such as pillows, curtains, and wallpaper.
3. Personalized Product Design - More customization of products, allowing for each customer to completely personalize their products based on unique design selections.
Industry Implications
1. Home Decor - Customization of home decor items like lamps could be a potentially lucrative sector, as customers may be willing to pay for unique and personalized pieces that reflect their style.
2. Online Retail - More online retail businesses could expand and invest in 3D printing or other customizable manufacturing techniques that enable a wider range of personal digital product printing on demand.
3. Marketing and Graphic Design - As customers create unique and personalized designs, a need for more graphic designers and product marketers who are capable of working with individuals' custom images or logo design may arise.

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