Computer Keytars

The TabStrummer Makes Playing Guitar as Simple as Pressing a Computer Key

Guitar neophytes looking to learn guitar without having to practice should check out the TabStrummer. The TabStrummer is a literal keytar -- a guitar made using computer keys so that it's easier to play.

The TabStrummer features 12 keys that are each pre-programmed (or can be programmed) to play all of the chords of an electric and acoustic guitar. Despite its unique design, the TabStrummer at least looks the part of a guitar, albeit with a plastic body and a neck filled with computer keys. The guitar has a MIDI out connection so that you can plug it into your headphones, an audio jack or a television. The TabStrummer is currently unavailable for purchase, but guitar newbies such as myself can always dream.
Trend Themes
1. Keytar Instruments - Disruptive Innovation Opportunity: Develop keytar instruments that combine the simplicity of computer keys with the sound and aesthetics of traditional instruments.
2. Digital Learning Tools - Disruptive Innovation Opportunity: Create digital learning tools that use pre-programmed keys to teach musical instruments, enabling beginners to learn and play easily.
3. Hybrid Music Equipment - Disruptive Innovation Opportunity: Design hybrid music equipment that merges computer technology with traditional instruments for a unique and intuitive playing experience.
Industry Implications
1. Music Instrument Manufacturing - Disruptive Innovation Opportunity: Explore new possibilities in music instrument manufacturing by incorporating computer keys into guitar designs, making it easier for users to learn and play.
2. Education Technology - Disruptive Innovation Opportunity: Develop educational technology products that utilize pre-programmed keys to simplify the process of learning musical instruments for beginners.
3. Electronic Entertainment - Disruptive Innovation Opportunity: Combine computer keys and traditional instruments in electronic entertainment products to create innovative musical experiences and interactive games.

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