Awkward Airport Mishaps

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'The Rules of Flying' is Full of Sky-High Hilarity

Travelling home for the holidays can be incredibly stressful, especially when your plans lack order and organization, but luckily, 'The Rules of Flying' is here to help you through the troubled times -- or at least lend some support.

Created by the ever-talented and clever Christie Young of, the illustrated guide shows what not to do if you plan on having a successful trip. Although it may seem obvious to some to avoid purchasing airline tickets just days before the flight, months of procrastination and distractions often lead to this inevitable action. Like most Christie's 'Rules,' these are a series I find myself sadly relating to all too well to, especially step four, "Pack half of bag. Fall asleep. Wake up to honks from your ride."

With the holidays just around the corner, now is the perfect time to check out 'The Rules of Flying' for a great laugh and a reminder of some important airport avoidances!
Trend Themes
1. Airport Travel Fails - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create a travel app for stress-free and organized travel.
2. Illustrated Travel Guides - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create more lighthearted and visual travel guides to engage younger travelers.
3. Holiday Travel Humor - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create a humorous travel-themed gift line for holiday shoppers.
Industry Implications
1. Travel and Tourism - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Innovate the travel industry with more affordable and organized options.
2. Publishing and Illustration - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Offer more humorous and relatable content for younger audiences in travel publishing.
3. Retail and E-commerce - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Sell humorous travel-themed products for holiday shoppers as an e-commerce retailer.

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