Cross-Country Family Bike Treks

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The Pedouins Cut Costs by Traveling America on a Five-Seater Bike

The Pedouins are an amazing family. I don’t think there has ever been another family that has ridden a five-seat bike across the U.S. Three of the five people on said bike are small children. Amazing!

The Pedouins hail from Mount Vernon, Kentucky. They decided that the best way to show their young children the beauty and history of America was to ride across it. So far they’ve crossed two countries and 13 states on their epic quest, totaling 7,000 miles along the way.

The Pedouins are epic. Have you ever tried to make a kid ride a bike? They get over it really quickly. If you’d like to follow the Pedouins on their trip, you can click on the source link. Go family.
Trend Themes
1. Family Adventure Tourism - Creating innovative tourism packages around family adventure activities, with a particular focus on cycling holidays to appeal to families traveling with children.
2. Flexible Transportation - Designing new types of flexible transportation to cater to the demands of families looking to travel in style, comfort and affordability.
3. Eco-tourism - Creating sustainable eco-tourism offerings such as alternative travel and adventure activities such as cycling to attract eco-conscious consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Travel and Tourism - Opportunities lie in creating innovative tour packages that cater to the needs of family travelers looking for adventure and thrill-seeking activities.
2. Transportation - Investments in developing new transportation products and services for families on the move, to cater to the specific requirements of adventurous families on the go.
3. Outdoor Recreation - Opportunities lie in creating eco-friendly adventure and outdoor experiences for families, with a particular focus on cycling and other flexible transportation options.

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