Artistic Tablet Cases

The PalleteCase is Inspired by a Painter's Palette

Do you consider your iPad a work of art? If so, then you're going to want to cover it with Nick and Beau Trincia's PalleteCase. The PalleteCase is a one-handed iPad case designed to work in either portrait or landscape modes.

According to the tuvie site, the Palletecase is made out of "100% Merino wool felt and durable vegetable tanned leather" and comes in an all-black leather or chestnut. Perhaps the greatest thing about this case is that it is 100 percent American-made with all the raw materials coming from the good ol' USA and the manufacturing done in Texas. Nick and Beau are currently soliciting funds via Kickstarter to help get an initial run of PalleteCases manufactured and onto shelves. If you like what you see, feel free to donate as these guys are still around $4000 away from their $6000 goal.
Trend Themes
1. Artistic Device Accessories - The trend of creating artistic and unique accessories for mobile devices
2. Sustainable Manufacturing - The trend of using eco-friendly materials and locally sourced production for consumer goods
3. Crowdfunding for Manufacturing - The trend of using crowdfunding platforms to launch and fund manufacturing projects
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Electronics - Opportunities to create unique, artistic accessories for smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices.
2. Fashion - Opportunities to create fashionable cases and sleeves for laptops, tablets, and other devices.
3. Manufacturing - Opportunities to explore sustainable and localized manufacturing for consumer goods with the use of crowdfunding to launch and fund projects.

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