Streaming Site Cannabis Strains

The Netflix Collection Offers 10 Strains of Medical Cannabis

The Netflix Collection offers 10 different cannabis strains that are meant to be smoked with specific shows that are featured on Netflix.

The unique collection was co-created by Netflix itself and is being offered to promote its newest original show, Disjointed. Each strain in the collection is paired with a specific show, with comedic shows being more indica dominant, and "dramadies" being more sativa dominant to "help the more powerful scenes resonate." Shows The Netflix Collection strains are to be paired with include Orange is the New Black, Santa Clarita Diet, Arrested Development, Grace and Frankie, and more.

Netflix's venture into legal medical cannabis is indicative of brands' recognition of the opportunity in this ever-growing industry.
Trend Themes
1. Cannabis-streaming Pairing - The trend of pairing specific strains of cannabis with specific shows or movies on streaming services.
2. Entertainment-product Cross-promotions - The trend of streaming service providers partnering with product manufacturers to create integrated cross-promotions.
3. Branded Cannabis Strain Collections - The trend of companies creating unique branded collections or strains of medical cannabis.
Industry Implications
1. Streaming Services - Streaming services with the potential for integrated cross-promotion products.
2. Medical Cannabis Providers - Medical cannabis providers with the potential for creating unique branded strains or collections.
3. Entertainment Brands - Entertainment brands with the potential to partner with product manufacturers to create cross-promotions, particularly with legal medical cannabis.

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