Phallic Firearms

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The Cockglock Provides Peace-Keeping Pleasure

NRA-loving ladies rejoice, the CockGlock is here. Yeah that's right, I said it. There is a ladies' pleasure device shaped like a pistol.

The CockGlock is hand carved and goes for the whopping price of $600.00. Woof. If you can't please your NRA-loving lady, try giving her this. I'm sure she'll have a good time, firing off round after round, and never having to wait to reload. Bring peace to your bedroom with the CockGlock today.
Trend Themes
1. Phallic Adult Toys - Adult toys shaped like guns or other traditionally masculine objects are gaining popularity.
2. Luxury Sex Toys - High-end sex toys are becoming more prevalent, catering to those willing to pay top dollar for a unique experience.
3. Customized Sex Toys - Hand crafted sex toys that can be customized to the user's preferences are on the rise.
Industry Implications
1. Adult Toy Manufacturing - Manufacturers of adult toys have an opportunity to create innovative, unique products aimed at specific niches of consumers.
2. Luxury Goods Industry - High-end luxury goods companies could expand into the adult toy market, offering premium experiences to a willing and affluent consumer base.
3. 3D Printing - Customized 3D printed sex toys offer an opportunity for the technology to be utilized in a new industry with potential for further innovation and growth.

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