Time-Based Happiness Graphs

The 'Age of Contentment' Infograph Explores Why It's Good to Be 35

This 'Age of Contentment' infograph explores the reasons behind the recurring report that 35 is the happiest age.

Based in the UK and conducted by a life insurance company, the chart is an informative and interesting take on what life looks like in a person's third decade of living. Citing reasons like salary and the values dominating this life stage, reading this might cause a viewer look forward to later life. The chart itself is beautifully designed, using lots of colors and helpful illustrative graphs to break down the data. The chart begins by explaining that 35 is the point that most age groups cite as their desired age. Whether this is actually means that this is conclusive evident that being 35 is preferable is up for debate, but the creators of the graph back up their statement with several other stats.

Most people have somewhat of an interest in happiness and what it means. This infograph, given its subject and attractive design, is sure to catch more than a few glimpses.
Trend Themes
1. Happiness Trends - Opportunity to create products and services that enhance happiness, well-being, and life satisfaction.
2. Data Visualization - Opportunity to develop visually appealing and informative infographics to present complex data in a user-friendly manner.
3. Life Insurance Insights - Opportunity to utilize life insurance data to gain insights into happiness trends and inform product development.
Industry Implications
1. Wellness & Self-care - Disruptive innovations in the wellness industry that focus on enhancing happiness and well-being.
2. Design & Marketing - Disruptive innovations in design and marketing, particularly in data visualization techniques and creating visually appealing content.
3. Insurance - Disruptive innovations in the insurance industry that leverage data insights to develop new and improved insurance products.

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