Banning Lady Boys

Thai Men Must Keep Balls

Acceptance of the "third sex" in Thailand just took a hit from the health officials. Hospitals and clinics are prevented from removing the family jewels to make "ladyboys" or "katoey." Many docs are doing the surgery outside of formal sex-change operations because its quick and easy. Some clinics charge as little as $125.

Implications - Today's consumer is extremely expressive, with consumers showing their true identities in a manner that is much more unabashed than before. Thus, an array of unconventional individuals are stepping out of the underground and into the mainstream, with sex change operations more prevalent than ever. Thailand's resistance to this innovation represents the common reaction; however, over time, individuality is likely to increase and prevail.
Trend Themes
1. Increasing Acceptance of Third Sex - The growing societal acceptance of the 'third sex' is leading to more individuals openly expressing their true identities.
2. Rise in Unconventional Individuals - A growing number of unconventional individuals are becoming more visible and comfortable with expressing their identities.
3. Prevalence of Sex Change Operations - Sex change operations are becoming increasingly common, with more people opting for these procedures.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - The healthcare industry can offer support and services for individuals seeking sex change operations.
2. Beauty and Aesthetics - The beauty and aesthetics industry can provide options for individuals looking to enhance their appearance through gender affirming procedures.
3. Tourism - Thailand's resistance to sex change operations might create a market for medical tourism in countries that are more accepting of these procedures.

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