Digital Postcard Applications

Share the Weather in Your Area with the 'Take Weather' Phone App

The Take Weather phone application encourages users to share what the weather is like in their area with people around the world. The smart application will be a hit with anyone who is a fan of keeping people up to date with what's going on in their lives.

The app allows users to share pictures and weather statistics through their favorite social networking sites. The statistics that the application collects can be shared in real time, making this an awesome application for anyone who wants to keep in touch with friends around the world.

The picture that the app posts through your social media sites is presented like a digital postcard, with an image of your locality and the date, location and temperature written across the bottom.

Photo Credits: designboom, vimeo
Trend Themes
1. Social Weather Sharing - A new trend in mobile applications that encourage users to share real-time weather data and photos through social media sites as digital postcards.
2. Real-time Data Sharing - The trend of collecting and sharing real-time data on weather and other environmental variables with mobile applications.
3. Visual Social Networking - The rising trend of visual social networking that allows users to share photos and videos as digital postcards.
Industry Implications
1. Mobile Applications - An industry with an opportunity to innovate new types of mobile applications that allow users to share real-time weather statistics and photos through social media sites.
2. Social Media - An industry that can leverage the trend of visual social networking to incorporate real-time weather data and launch new applications that cater to such user interests.
3. Weather Industry - The weather forecasting industry can leverage mobile applications to collect and share data that can improve forecasting accuracy.

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