Open Dinner Party Planners

Table & Friends Connects Like-Minded People Through Themed Dinners

Table & Friends is a themed dinner party planner that aims to connect like-minded people at a delicious gatherings. The dinner parties can be private or public.

Private dinner planners are not all that revolutionary, but organizing dinner parties that are open to public is fairly new and exciting. The dinner themes mostly revolve around interests such as travel and entrepreneurship but who says they should stop at that?

There had also been dinner parties where guest speakers or certain kinds have been involved as well. Table & Friends is a fun networking tool and a great platform to meet like-minded people when relocated a new city.

Currently a start-up that is Lisboa-based, the website will hopefully extend its user base to a more global scale soon.
Trend Themes
1. Themed Dinner Parties - Opportunity for disruptive innovation: Create a platform that connects people with unique dinner party themes, catering to a wide variety of interests.
2. Public Dinner Parties - Opportunity for disruptive innovation: Develop a service that facilitates open dinner parties, allowing individuals to connect and socialize with new like-minded people.
3. Networking Dinner Parties - Opportunity for disruptive innovation: Create an interactive platform that combines dinner parties with networking opportunities, providing a space for professionals to connect and collaborate in a casual setting.
Industry Implications
1. Event Planning - Opportunity for disruptive innovation: Integrate technology and data analytics into event planning services, allowing for more personalized and unique experiences for clients.
2. Social Networking - Opportunity for disruptive innovation: Develop a social networking platform specifically designed for connecting individuals through shared interests and activities, such as themed dinner parties.
3. Hospitality - Opportunity for disruptive innovation: Implement technology and AI-driven solutions in the hospitality industry to enhance the guest experience at dinner parties, offering personalized recommendations and seamless event management.

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