Swimming Pools For Fat Dogs

Swimming Pools For Fat Dogs

Last month we told you about Slentrol pills for your fat dog. If you think that would be rude, you can also take your dog to special swimming pools made for fat dogs.

If your dog is fat then you are not alone, we are literally killing our much loved pooches with kindness. The fat fellow pictured was walking on an aqua treadmill at El Perro aqua fitness club for dogs in Tokyo, Japan.

Should your dog be in need of a few feather salads then fear not as there are swimming pools (such as Doggy Paddle) all over the UK, find one near you, sit back and for once let the dog do the hard work.
Trend Themes
1. Obesity-friendly Pet Products - Companies can innovate and develop specially-designed products that cater to the growing problem of pet obesity.
2. Pet Wellness Services - Wellness centers offering services such as dog swimming pools can become popular among pet owners seeking to improve their pets' health.
3. Fitness Technology for Pets - There is an opportunity to develop technology such as aqua treadmills specifically designed for pets to help them improve or maintain their physical health.
Industry Implications
1. Pet Food Industry - Pet food companies can develop healthier food options and portion-controlled packaging to help pet owners improve their pets' diets.
2. Pet Healthcare Industry - Veterinary clinics and pet hospitals can offer specialized services like dog swimming pools and aqua treadmills to cater to pet owners with obese or physically-challenged pets.
3. Pet Tech Industry - Pet tech companies can develop fitness wearables and devices for pets, similar to human fitness trackers, to help owners monitor their pets' health and fitness levels.

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