Turns Flat Water into White Water

Surfango's PowerKayak

The only thing you'll need the paddle for is righting yourself when you wipe out on a sharp turn. Light up the 9.5hp 4-stroke engine's electric-start, open up the hand-held throttle/joystick steering and zip off like a piloted torpedo to the 25mph top speed, which feels much quicker when your ass is gliding inches above the surf.

Implications - When it's difficult to get to where the action is, people will want find ways to recreate the excitement. By creating devices that allow adrenaline junkies to experience a rush in any environment, companies can reach a market that doesn't have the big budget to travel the world to go on crazy experiences.
Trend Themes
1. Portable Water Sports - Creating devices for adrenaline junkies to experience a rush in any environment.
2. Electric-powered Watercraft - Developing innovative products that rely on electric power for water sports enthusiasts.
3. Hybrid Watercraft - Combining traditional watercraft with electronics and other high-tech features for a unique experience.
Industry Implications
1. Recreation - Innovative devices that cater to adventure seekers looking to recreate the excitement of water sports in any environment.
2. Electric Vehicle - Creating electric-powered watercraft presents opportunities for companies in the electric vehicle industry.
3. Marine - Incorporating high-tech features into traditional marine watercraft will appeal to adventure seekers and create opportunities for innovation in the marine industry.

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