Customized Restorative Eyewear

Daybreak Launched a Sunglasses Line That Helps Developing Countries

Daybreak has launched an innovative new line of sunglasses to help restore sight in the developing world. Made from the highest quality materials, they are durable, polarized, and can be customized to your own personal style with different frame color and polarized lens color combinations.

Most importantly, each and every pair of Daybreaks that is sold will help restore sight to someone in need by providing them with sight-saving surgery, medical treatment, or prescription glasses. By restoring sight to someone it gives them a second chance at life; children are able to return to school to get an education, adults are able to earn a living and take care of their family.

The Daybreak Sunglasses campaign is currently crowdfunding on Indiegogo. You can find out more about the campaign and purchase the sunglasses at
Trend Themes
1. Customized Restorative Eyewear - The trend towards personalized and sustainable eyewear offers opportunities for businesses to promote social responsibility and environmental sustainability.
2. Socially Conscious Crowdfunding Campaigns - The trend towards supporting socially responsible crowdfunding campaigns can inspire businesses to incorporate a social mission into their operations and marketing strategies.
3. Healthcare Philanthropy - The trend towards healthcare philanthropy provides opportunities for businesses to adopt healthcare initiatives and leverage their resources for social good.
Industry Implications
1. Eyewear Industry - The eyewear industry can explore the market of sustainable and socially responsible eyewear production to address pressing social and environmental issues.
2. Crowdfunding Platforms - Crowdfunding platforms can attract socially responsible campaigns and projects to align with customers’ values and lifestyles.
3. Healthcare Industry - The healthcare industry can partner with social entrepreneurs and charitable organizations to increase access to healthcare services for underprivileged communities.

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