Subversive Cake Snapshots

Nathan Pask's Darkly Delicious Cake Photography

London-based photographer Nathan Pask has pushed subversive cake photography to the extreme. His series of images with the artists and creatives taking part in the Halloween event ‘Eat Your Heart Out & The PRETOX Potion’ are certainly not like any cake imagery I have seen before.

Zombie sailors (artist Pete Fowler) with nooses around their necks eating cake eyeballs and anatomical heart cupcakes, evil butchers (artist George Morton-Clark) posing with bloody heart cakes laced with maggots and creatives (Cowbag) with giant vagina cakes between their legs were just some of the shots taken by Pask on the shoot two weeks ago. There is even a behind the scenes video!

The shoot took place in the painfully trendy Turman Brewery and these shots are only a hint of the madness to come when the SIlent Hill-themed cake shop opens on the 29th October, in London’s Shoreditch, for three weeks only.

Credits of the shoot include:
Photographer – Nathan Pask
Photographers assistant – Simon Pollock
Photographers assistant – Andras Bartok
Stylist – Siouxsie
Stylists assistant –  Ksenia Lesnykh
Clothing – Prangsta Costumiers
Hair – Kim Roy
Trend Themes
1. Subversive Photography - Photographers can experiment with subversive styles to shake up traditional genres.
2. Dark Multisensory Events - Event planners can create immersive experiences that tap into humanity's morbid fascinations.
3. Culinary Shock Value - Food industry professionals can use subversive creations as a way to break the mold and create buzz around new products or restaurants.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - Photography industry professionals can capitalize on the trend of subversive photography.
2. Event Planning - Event planning professionals can create immersive experiences for their clients through dark and edgy themes.
3. Food and Beverage - Culinary professionals can merge food and art by creating subversive and unexpected food creations.

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