Stuffed Quesadilla Breakfast Tacos

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Del Taco Added Breakfast Tacos to its Stuffed Quesadilla Line

'Del Taco,' the California-based quick-service restaurant, has released two stuffed breakfast quesadillas following the success of its initial stuffed quesadilla line last year. The 'Hashbrowns & Bacon Stuffed Quesadilla Breakfast Taco,' and the 'Hashbrowns, Egg & Cheese Stuffed Quesadilla Breakfast Taco,' are available now on the brand's breakfast menu.

Del Taco's breakfast menu runs from when the restaurant opens until 11 am when it shifts to its lunch/dinner menu. These two tacos are breakfast tacos stuffed with cheese, queso blanco, eggs, and hashbrown pieces. Additionally, the only difference between the two tacos is that one has bacon while one is vegetarian. It is important to note that neither taco is vegan.
Trend Themes
1. Breakfast Menu Expansion - Quick-service restaurants are expanding their breakfast menus to cater to changing consumer habits and create new revenue streams.
2. Stuffed Quesadilla Line Extension - Established food chains are extending their successful product lines to offer more options and capitalize on existing customer loyalty.
3. Vegetarian Breakfast Options - There is a growing demand for vegetarian and plant-based breakfast options, as a response to health and environmental concerns.
Industry Implications
1. Fast Food - Quick-service restaurants are constantly innovating their menus to attract customers and stay competitive in the industry.
2. Food Chains - Established food chains are leveraging their brand recognition and loyal customer base to expand their product offerings and drive sales.
3. Plant-based Food - The rise of plant-based diets is driving innovation in the food industry, from the development of new products to the reformulation of existing ones.

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