Rugged Cycling Mobile Mounts

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StormCruiser is Built to Handle Bumpy Terrains

For the more adventurous cyclist, Joy Factory will be releasing a steady, secure mount for their mobiles with the StormCruiser.

Cyclists who prefer to be able to see their smartphones while riding, whether it's for GPS navigation or the app keeping tack of their progress, will find convenience in the StormCruiser. It's a durable mount for mobiles designed to withstand bumpier rides outside of city roads. The StormCruiser is weather-resistant, dust-proof and grease-proof, which is perfect when it comes to dealing with tough terrain. The case is also scratch resistant so that it handles physical stress in addition to environmental ones. It's easy to mount and it can fit on the handlebars or the body frame.

The StormCruiser is a useful item for those who tend to bike in rougher environment. It's secure, tough and will hold up against the outdoor elements.
Trend Themes
1. Rugged Mobile Mounts for Outdoor Activities - There is an opportunity to design similar durable mobile mounts for activities such as hiking, rock climbing, and kayaking.
2. Smartphone Accessories for Adventurous Enthusiasts - The market for smartphone accessories designed for adventure seekers is expanding, creating opportunities for companies to develop products catering to this demographic.
3. Weather-resistant Mobile Mounts for Extreme Conditions - Developing weather-resistant mobile mounts for extreme outdoor conditions, such as thunderstorms and extreme heat, would appeal to outdoor enthusiasts.
Industry Implications
1. Cycling - Companies within the cycling industry should consider developing rugged smartphone mounts for their customers.
2. Outdoor Equipment - Outdoor companies could expand their product lines by incorporating durable mobile mounts for outdoor activities.
3. Consumer Electronics - The demand for durable mobile mounts for outdoor use presents an opportunity for consumer electronics companies to create a new line of rugged smartphone accessories.

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