Hyperrealistic Stone Sculptures

Robin Antar Creates Sculptures That Resemble Contemporary Items

Brooklyn-based artist Robin Antar creates stone sculptures that are so realistic you'll barely hesitate to use them in your everyday life. The collection of hyperreal art is carved, chiseled, sanded and sometimes even dyed to look like contemporary items.

For over 20 years, Antar kept close to the same sculpting techniques and depicted edibles like condiments, alcohol, cookies and sandwiches in addition to apparel like jackets and boxing gloves.

She starts off making them by choosing stones similar to her subjects color, but will dye the stone if need be. She refers to her stone sculptures as "virtual records of contemporary culture" and as "art that is mirroring life" more so than imitating it.

Her life-size art will be exhibited at The Waterfall Gallery & Mansion in New York City until the end of the summer.
Trend Themes
1. Hyperrealistic Art - Opportunity for artists to disrupt traditional art forms and push the boundaries of reality through hyperrealistic techniques.
2. Sculpture as Functional Items - Disruptive opportunity for artists/designers to create functional items that double as art through the use of hyperrealistic sculpture techniques.
3. Stone Sculpture Reimagined - Opportunity for artists to experiment with traditional stone sculpture techniques to create modern-day hyperrealistic artworks.
Industry Implications
1. Art - Technology can be applied to traditional art forms to craft realistic depictions of contemporary culture using long-established techniques and materials.
2. Design - Disruptive opportunity for designers to create hyperrealistic functional items that can double as art, directly inspired by hyperrealistic sculptures.
3. Galleries - Galleries have an opportunity to showcase hyperrealistic stone sculptures and help create an industry-wide interest in these art forms.

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