Holographic Rapping CEOs

Steve Jobs: Resurrection (iPhone 5 Parody) Introduces the New Smartphone

The Steve Jobs: Resurrection (iPhone 5 Parody) features a holographic Steve Jobs rapping about the new smartphone. The video, which features a cartoon design, represents a timely release as the media and tech industries are currently buzzing with news about the new iPhone 5.

The new iPhone 5 is set to be released on the September 12th, and that means a lot for the Apple company since the passing of Steve Jobs. This animated video features a witty resurrected Steve jobs taking jabs at Tim Cook and boasting about the new iPhone 5 in all its glory.

The animation was directed by Aaron Simpson, written by Andy Ochiltree and features original music by Markaholic. Some of the best lines in this parody include "I got the OS that makes ya salivate" and "I'm Mac Daddy -- dead or alive!"
Trend Themes
1. Holographic Ceos - Advancements in holographic technology may create opportunities for businesses to use holographic representations of their CEOs or brand ambassadors for marketing and public relations purposes.
2. Animated Parodies - Animated parodies may become a popular way for companies to promote their products and engage with consumers on social media platforms.
3. Posthumous Celeb Marketing - The use of posthumous celebrity representations in marketing and advertising may become more prevalent with advancements in technology, but risks and ethical considerations must also be taken into account.
Industry Implications
1. Marketing - The holographic technology and animated parodies trends can create opportunities in the marketing industry for new and innovative advertising campaigns.
2. Public Relations - Holographic representations of CEOs and animated parodies could potentially be used in public relations efforts to generate buzz and news coverage for companies.
3. Entertainment - The trend of using holographic representations of deceased celebrities for posthumous performances or advertising campaigns could create opportunities in the entertainment industry for new forms of entertainment and monetization.

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