Floating Lawns

The Sprout House by Studio Archi Farm has a Unique, Elevated Lawn

The Sprout House by Studio Archi Farm has one innovative lawn. The family of farmers who owns the house wanted something new, something that comprised the lush green of a lawn without the ugliness of the equipment and the reminder of their day jobs.

Studio Archi Farm created the Sprout House design, which features an above-ground lawn that eliminates the reminder of their farming life. Underneath the lawn is where the cars and farming equipment are stored. Out of sight, out of mind!
Trend Themes
1. Elevated Lawns - Designing houses with above-ground lawns can provide a unique and visually appealing outdoor space.
2. Hidden Storage - Incorporating hidden storage spaces beneath lawns can declutter outdoor areas and improve aesthetic appeal.
3. Escape From Work - Creating tranquil environments that help individuals detach from their professional lives can offer a new level of relaxation at home.
Industry Implications
1. Architecture - Architects can explore the concept of elevated lawns to offer innovative design solutions that enhance the overall architectural appeal of residential buildings.
2. Real Estate - Real estate developers can incorporate hidden storage spaces beneath lawns to attract buyers by offering functional and visually appealing outdoor areas.
3. Automotive - The automotive industry can seize the opportunity to design innovative parking and storage solutions that seamlessly blend with the surrounding environment.

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