Design-Focused Space Films

Lucy McRae Examines the Use of Furniture Design in Space Survival

Lucy McRae is the creator of 'The Institute of Isolation' -- a creative short film that considers the importance of design and architecture in preparing for future space survival.

In order to create the piece, Lucy McRae joined with a variety of other designers who helped to make a series of props to be used in the film. The resulting designs allow for humans to train their bodies in a way that will better allow them to adapt to space survival, with the film showing a woman exercising on a gravity-reducing device.

Notable collaborations that appear in the project include "a pair of chunky trainers created by former Dior designer Mats Rombaut" and "a spacesuit made by McRae in partnership with a National Opera costume designer."
Trend Themes
1. Space Survival Design - Creating functional designs and architecture for future space survival.
2. Design in Film - Incorporating design and architecture as a key component in film production.
3. Collaborative Prop Design for Film - Bringing together designers from different industries to create props for film production.
Industry Implications
1. Design - Opportunity for designers to create functional, space-specific furniture and architecture.
2. Film Production - Opportunity to incorporate design and architecture as a key component in film production.
3. Fashion - Opportunity for fashion designers to create space-specific clothing and footwear.

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