Opulently Plush Perches

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The Archibald King Sofa Lounge Chair is a Luxuriously Cushy Seat

There is a lot to be said for a chair that you can just sink into and feel all your worries melt away, a given when it comes to the Archibald King sofa lounge chair.

Designed by Jean-Marie Massaud for Italian furniture maker Poltrona Frau, this cushy chair completely embraces the sitter, making them feel right at home within the plush walls surrounding them. The King version features a plump headrest that lets you feel even more at ease, providing a pillow upon which you can snooze the day away. Extremely luxurious, the chair features armrests that point away with a flourishing curl.

An accompanying footrest completes the comfort of the Archibald King sofa lounge chair.
Trend Themes
1. Plush Seating - There is a growing trend for furniture that provides a luxuriously comfortable seating experience.
2. Embrace Design - Designs that fully embrace the sitter and create a cozy environment are gaining popularity.
3. Integrated Comfort - Furniture with integrated features such as plump headrests and footrests are in demand for a complete relaxation experience.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Manufacturing - There are opportunities for furniture manufacturers to create plush seating options that cater to the growing demand for luxurious comfort.
2. Interior Design - Interior designers can capitalize on the trend by incorporating embrace designs into their projects to create inviting and cozy spaces.
3. Home Decor Retail - Home decor retailers can tap into the trend by offering furniture with integrated comfort features, appealing to customers seeking ultimate relaxation.

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