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Sacrilegious Celebrity Skits

The SNL Skit 'Dejesus Uncrossed' is Absolutely Hilarious

The SNL skit titled 'Dejusus Uncrossed' is a witty video poking fun at organized religion and Quentin Tarantino's latest bock office hit Django Unchained. The short trailer stars actor Christoph Waltz and many members of the regular SNL cast. The short film will make you burst out into laughter and is full of incredibly hilarious one liners.

The funny video is a mock trailer for a religious themed film. Christoph Waltz takes the lead role as Jesus and delivers a witty performance. He busts out funny quips such as, "The H is silent" and you cannot help, but die of laughter. The film also mocks other Tarantino classics like Inglorious Bastards and features cast members mocking Brad Pitt and various other religious figures.

The SNL skit 'Dejesus Uncrossed' is a hilarious sacrilegious video everyone must watch.

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