Wooden Triangle Block Toys

Areawear's New Geometric Snake Block Toys are Both Fun and Educational

Design company and store Areaware created a new collection of geometric Snake Block toys for kids, made to be kept out of the toy box and used as little pieces of art.

The unique and beautifully designed snake block toy kit is composed of 24 different painted triangles that are made from naturally sourced wood. Each piece has an elastic sting running though, allowing kids to turn and twist the blocks to make endless forms. The classic serpent shape with geometric patterns can be turned into a dog, fish, ball or swan. The bright colors and ability to chose any design, the new toys are both fun, exciting and educational.

The new Snake Block toys are available online now, with prices starting at $16.
Trend Themes
1. Geometric Toys - Opportunity for sustainable materials and customizable designs in the toy industry
2. Interactive Art - Potential to merge children's toys and aesthetic home decor
3. Modular Toys - Room for innovation in the creation of toys that can be built and taken apart in countless ways
Industry Implications
1. Toy Industry - Incorporating sustainable, natural materials and geometric designs could generate interest from environmentally conscious parents and children
2. Interior Design Industry - Toys that function as both fun and beautiful could offer an innovative home decor option
3. Education Industry - Modular and customizable toys provide an opportunity for engaging hands-on learning in the classroom

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