Illuminating Cycling Helmets

Lumos' Smart Tech Helmet Ensures Visibility on the Road

Summer is here and the urge to get out and start adventuring is real. We were all told to wear our helmets growing up, but somewhere around the teenage years, wanting to look cool took precedence over wearing clunky, potentially life-saving headgear. Now, with cyclists on the road alongside cars, safety needs to be brought back into focus, and the Lumos Bike Helmet wants to help you do it in style.

It may hit the wallet a little hard, costing a little under $200, but this helmet has the tech to back up the investment. In addition to keeping your precious cargo safe, Lumos integrates with your bike via the wireless handlebar remote to signal brakes, upcoming turns and LED lights to ensure visibility on the road. Plus, who can resist the Harry Potter reference? Lumos indeed.
Trend Themes
1. Smart Cycling Gear - Incorporating smart technology into cycling gear to ensure safety and visibility on the road.
2. Wearable Safety Tech - Developing wearable safety technology for various outdoor activities.
3. Sustainable Sports Gear - Creating sustainable gear for outdoor sports that considers both design and function.
Industry Implications
1. Sporting Goods - Opportunity to integrate technology and sustainability in sporting goods to cater to the safety and environmental concerns of customers.
2. Wearable Technology - Developing wearable technology for safety and visibility that can cater to different sectors of consumers.
3. Outdoor Adventure - Providing outdoor adventure enthusiasts with sustainable and tech-infused gear and accessories.

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