Smart City Platforms

Boston's SCOPE Project Hopes to Improve Quality of Life for Residents

Boston is developing a sophisticated smart city platform that other governments may model their own after. Developed by the Boston University, it is called Smart-city Cloud-based Open Platform & Eco-system, SCOPE for short. The extensive smart city project will extend from environmental concerns to traffic monitoring in an effort to improve quality of life in micro and macro ways.

Of course, creating a smart city is a collaborative effort as Laurent Vernerey, president and CEO of Schneider Electric’s North America operations, points out, "No single company can accomplish a smart city on their own--we need to approach this opportunity collaboratively--with city government as leader, citizens at the center, technology as an enabler and private sector partners to help make the vision a reality." This is what SCOPE is trying accomplish.
Trend Themes
1. Smart City Platforms - Developing sophisticated smart city platforms to improve quality of life for residents.
2. Collaborative Approach - Partnering with government, citizens, technology, and private sector to accomplish smart city goals.
3. Environmental and Traffic Monitoring - Using smart city platforms to address environmental concerns and traffic monitoring.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - Opportunities for developing smart city platforms and solutions.
2. Government - Government involvement in creating smart city initiatives and policies.
3. Infrastructure - Building the necessary infrastructure to support smart city projects.

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