Restful Commuter Hammocks

Recruit's Campaign Makes Sleeping on the Train Comfortable for Students

As part of a playful campaign to show that students require lots of rest during the stressful exam season, the Recruit studio set up hammocks and futons for sleeping on the train.

Beyond providing comfortable places to sprawl out on Japan's public transportation systems, Recruit's campaign also involved supplying students with snore-inducing history lessons to lull them to dreamland, as well as practical tips for taking breaks and getting a solid night's worth of sleep.

As much as many tired students and overworked adults would probably enjoy this concept (much to the chagrin of other passengers) unfortunately now that exam season is over, the napping spots are no more. Although a large part of this campaign was created in jest, it also comments on real problems like comfort on public transportation, in addition to wellness and one's work ethic.
Trend Themes
1. Public-transport Comfort - There is an opportunity for businesses to improve public transport comfort by offering more comfortable seating or sleeping options like hammocks or futons.
2. Napping at Work - Companies can take note of campaigns like this and implement napping programs in the workplace to improve employee wellness and productivity.
3. Sleep Education - There is an opportunity for educational businesses or organizations to teach people about the importance of getting enough sleep for overall health and wellbeing.
Industry Implications
1. Public Transportation - The public transportation industry can improve the commuter experience by offering more comfortable seating or sleeping options like hammocks or futons.
2. Corporate Wellness - Wellness and corporate consulting firms can design sleep programs or offer guidance to companies on implementing napping programs for their employees.
3. Education - Sleep education businesses or organizations could develop programs to teach people about the importance of sleep and how to get a good night's rest.

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