Whimsical Sky Art

Thomas Lamadieu Illustrates Characters into the Gaps Between Buildings

French illustrator Thomas Lamadieu’s sky art is a wonderfully creative and interesting take on sky art. The illustrations feature whimsical, fantastical bearded characters seemingly going about their activities in the elevated gaps between buildings.

Lamadieu starts by capturing the skyward view in building-bounded courtyards in different cities in Germany, Belgium and France. He then envisages a canvas, using the frame the buildings form around the sky as his guide. He then proceeds to hem his characters into his sky canvases.

Lamadieu cleverly works the characters into his sky canvases, using the frame to creatively dream up his characters’ poses and facial expressions. He uses simple black lines with a white fill, leaving plenty of bright blue sky so shine through. The sky is truly the limit as far as Lamadieu’s sky art is concerned.
Trend Themes
1. Sky Art - Sky art is a growing trend for creative expression in urban environments.
2. Whimsical Illustration - Illustrators are incorporating whimsical and fantastical characters to breathe life into mundane urban scenes.
3. Creative Use of Surroundings - Artists are increasingly utilizing the environment around them in a creative way to produce unique pieces.
Industry Implications
1. Art - The art industry is always looking for new innovative ways to express creativity and connect with people.
2. Architecture - Innovative architects can use sky art to incorporate the sky into their designs to add an extra layer of interest.
3. Tourism - Sky art can be used to promote tourism by showcasing unique art in different parts of the world.

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