Personalized Cartoons

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Bitstrips Took Over Sixty's Life

I am Sixty (((Hi Sixty))) I am addicted to Bitstrip. Yes I have wasted the whole day making comic strips about friends, family and blogging buddies. Bitstrip was launched at SXSW and is an amazing free cartooning application. You make the characters, but Bitstrip will set the scenes, provide the props, make the panels and a slideshow to embed in your blog, or you can email your art.

Implications - Consumers enjoy seeing themselves as cartoon avatars because they feel the illustrations are custom-made to their specifications. This validates their individuality. Corporations can evoke similar feelings from their consumers by incorporating a variety of customizable add-on features to their existing line of products.
Trend Themes
1. Personalized Avatars - As Bitstrip's success shows, people crave being able to create custom cartoon versions of themselves. Corporations may capitalize on this trend by incorporating personalized avatar features into their marketing and advertising strategies.
2. Free Cartooning Apps - Bitstrip's popularity demonstrates the potential for free cartooning applications. Businesses could invest in developing similar apps to attract customers and increase engagement.
3. Visual Storytelling - Bitstrip's success highlights the growing trend of visual storytelling. Brands can leverage this trend by creating compelling, personalized stories that resonate with their target audience.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - Entertainment companies can use personalized cartoon avatars to engage with fans and offer unique, interactive experiences.
2. Marketing - Marketers can use personalized cartoon avatars to create targeted, personalized campaigns that resonate with consumers and build brand loyalty.
3. E-commerce - E-commerce businesses can use personalized cartoon avatars to create interactive product pages and provide customers with a more engaging shopping experience.

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