Water-Saving Shampoo Bottles

This Package Makes People Aware of Shower Water Consumption

In response to the fact that "showers account for nearly 17% of all household water usage and last, on average, about 10 minutes," Pereira & O'Dell designed a special shampoo bottle for Proctor & Gamble to raise awareness on shower water consumption.

The 'Showerglass' introduces an attachment for a shampoo bottle that features an hourglass. The implement instructs users to flip the package over as they take a shower, effectively showing how much time they have spent under the water.

Although record rainfalls have been recorded in California early this year, this shampoo bottle design is mean to encourage people to stay vigilant with monitoring their shower water consumption and not revert to "water-wasting ways."
Trend Themes
1. Water-saving Packaging - Pereira & O'Dell's special shampoo bottle design introduces an hourglass attachment, encouraging users to monitor shower water consumption.
2. Sustainable Awareness - The Showerglass campaign highlights the impact of shower water usage, emphasizing the importance of sustainable behaviors.
3. Smart Home Water Monitoring - New technology could monitor home water usage, identifying waste and targeting behaviour change in the bathroom and beyond.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) - The Showerglass campaign represents an opportunity for CPG companies to develop and market water-saving packaging designs as part of their product offering.
2. Green Tech - Technology companies focused on sustainability could develop smart home monitoring devices to track water usage and reduce waste.
3. Environmental Advocacy - Environmental organizations and water conservation groups can support campaigns like Showerglass to raise awareness on sustainable behaviors and water efficiency.

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