Shotgun Shell Chair

Fully Loaded Furniture

Yanko Design featured Alexander Reh, who designed this chair which is for sale now. Alexander coined it "Fully Loaded" as it has more than 400 shotgun shells. He claims that the bright brass caps give a soothing massaging sit, but I fear you will find yourself sitting as on needles, although reportedly the shells are not loaded.

The US based artist graduated in 2001 with a BFA in Design from The University of Texas in Austin and in 2006 with a Masters in Industrial Design from the Pratt Institute.
Trend Themes
1. Sustainable Furniture - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop furniture designs that incorporate sustainable materials and manufacturing processes.
2. Upcycled Products - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create products that repurpose and transform existing materials, such as shotgun shells, into unique and functional pieces.
3. Artistic Home Decor - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Combine art and functionality to design decorative pieces that add beauty and style to homes.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Manufacturing - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Incorporate unconventional materials and designs into furniture manufacturing to cater to eco-conscious consumers.
2. Home Decor - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Spotlight unique and artistic home decor pieces that offer both aesthetic appeal and functionality.
3. Sustainable Design - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Focus on sustainable design practices and the use of repurposed materials to create innovative and eco-friendly products.

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