Expressive Mechanical Cat Tails

The Shippo Tail is a Must-Have Item for Kitty Fashionistas

Accompanying its Necomini headset, which can read your emotional states and convey them through robotic cat ears, Neurowear is releasing another catlike contraption known as the Shippo.

Literally translating to "tail" in Japanese, the Shippo is a mechanical tail that can scan your brain waves and then wag according to how you are feeling. The tail is linked to a neural smartphone app that not only reads your mood but also tags your location and shares it with friends through Twitter or Facebook. This effectively allows users to see nearby places that other Shippo wearers frequently visit.

Catgirls and animal-inspired attire have been a staple of Japanese manga and video games for quite some time now. It seems only fitting that there be products that allow enthusiasts to express their feline fashion sense.
Trend Themes
1. Emotional Wearable Technology - There is an opportunity for disruptive innovation in creating wearable technology that can read and convey emotions.
2. Neurofeedback Devices - The development of neurofeedback devices like the Shippo tail presents an opportunity for innovation in the healthcare and mental wellness industries.
3. Location-based Social Sharing - Creating location-based apps that combine mood tracking with social sharing could disrupt the social media and travel industries.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion and Accessories - The introduction of expressive mechanical cat tails opens up potential disruptive innovation opportunities in the fashion and accessories industries.
2. Healthcare and Wellness - The emergence of neurofeedback devices like the Shippo tail creates disruptive innovation opportunities within the healthcare and wellness sectors.
3. Social Media and Travel - The integration of location-sharing features into mood-tracking apps can lead to disruptive innovation in the social media and travel industries.

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