Service-Aggregating Mobile Wallets

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Puut Wallet Provides Mobile Financial Service Aggregation

This new fintech venture offers service aggregation by combining everything a mobile wallet has to offer with social content sharing. Based in Denmark, personal finances startup Puut Wallet is a "leather wallet replacement" that enables users to receive, store and use the contents of their wallet all over the world.

Puut Wallet contains not just your credit card information and loyalty cards, but receipts and vouchers as well as tickets, boarding passes and biometric identification too. The app allows you to add or remove content from other apps. It also has different social features that let you create groups for city-based shopping, so members can collectively buy products from local shops at a discounted price.

This sort of service aggregation suggests other mobile phone services could be combined too.
Trend Themes
1. Mobile Payment Aggregation - Opportunity to combine various mobile payment services into one app for convenience and efficiency.
2. Content Sharing Integration - Potential to integrate social content sharing features with mobile wallet apps for enhanced user engagement.
3. Multifunctional Wallet Apps - Disruptive innovation opportunity to create wallet apps that encompass not just payment methods, but also ticketing, identification, and loyalty programs.
Industry Implications
1. Fintech - Fintech companies can explore the integration of multiple financial services into a single mobile wallet platform.
2. Mobile App Development - Opportunity for mobile app developers to create innovative wallet apps that combine different functionalities and features.
3. Retail and E-commerce - Retailers and e-commerce businesses can leverage group buying and discounted offers through city-based shopping groups on mobile wallet apps.

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