Re-Imagined Classic Scooters

'Sei Giorni' is a Modern Variant of Vespa's Award-winning Design

Vespa's ‘Sei Giorni' is the company's newly unveiled special edition iteration of its original sports scooter.

The classic scooter, which won nine awards at the international 'Six Days' of Verese in 1951, has been infused with modern twists to accommodate a more future-orientated rider. The vehicle maintains its ironic olive green facade and black leather seat finished with contrasting stitching -- both design elements which have grown synonymous with the original scooter. Sei Giorni's refinements include a USB port located within the luggage compartment, to keep phones and smart technology safe and charged, as well as ABS and LED lighting.

This modern variant of the classic ride deviates slightly from its original form, but maintains the iconic design elements that scooter riders have grown to love. Photo Credits: designboom, vespa
Trend Themes
1. Modernization of Classic Vehicles - There is an opportunity for companies to modernize classic vehicles while still maintaining their iconic design elements.
2. Incorporation of Smart Technology - There is a trend of incorporating smart technology into classic vehicles to accommodate a more future-oriented rider.
3. Special Edition Vehicles - There is an opportunity for companies to create special edition vehicles that are a modern twist on the original design.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive Industry - The automotive industry can explore the opportunity to modernize classic vehicles while maintaining their iconic design elements.
2. Technology Industry - The technology industry can explore the trend of incorporating smart technology into classic vehicles.
3. Collectibles and Memorabilia Industry - The collectibles and memorabilia industry can explore the opportunity to create special edition vehicles that are a modern twist on the original design, appealing to car enthusiasts and collectors alike.

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