Virtual Seabed Tours

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GE is Putting Together a Virtual Tour of Futuristic Seabed Factories

GE has created a 3D virtual exhibit and tour of the seabed factories that are expected to become a reality in the 21st century.

The virtual tour was developed by GE and Oculus Rift, and requires the use of an Oculus Rift headset to enjoy an immersive 3D visit to a seabed oil factory located a mile below the ocean surface off the coast of Brazil. The tour takes visitors to facilities that are either robotic or controlled remotely from the surface. These facilities are designed to be operate for years on end in freezing, corrosive conditions under high deep sea pressure.

These GE virtual tours of seabed factories are a great example of how technology like the Oculus Rift helps people access places they wouldn't normally be able to visit.
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Factory Tours - Incorporating virtual reality into factory tours will revolutionize the way people experience industrial environments without physical limitations.
2. Oceanic Engineering - The integration of engineering and scientific innovations in the exploration and utilization of the oceanic resources such as seabed factories will pave the way for sustainable development and economic growth in various industries.
3. Remote Operation Technology - With the advancement of remote operation technology, there will be increasing demand for more sophisticated and robust equipment that can operate autonomously and accurately in extreme environments such as the deep sea.
Industry Implications
1. Oil and Gas - The oil and gas sector can benefit from incorporating virtual reality technology like the Oculus Rift into their operations and training, allowing workers to explore and learn about offshore rigs and deep-sea factories without needing to physically go there.
2. Marine Exploration - The marine exploration industry can leverage innovative engineering and technological advancements to discover and extract valuable resources located in the ocean floor and deepen our understanding of the marine environment.
3. Robotics and Automation - The robotics and automation industry can capitalize on the increasing demand for remote operation technology that enables the deployment of unmanned vehicles and equipment in hazardous and extreme environments, particularly in the deep sea exploration and extraction activities.

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