Underwater Pollution Installations

Trash in the Ocean Becomes Part of a Scuba Diving Art Project

Using items that often end up in the oceans, polluting the water and endangering the species that live there, Mathieu Goussin and Hortense Le Calvez created a series of scuba diving art. The images capture the incongruousness of plastic and other artificial materials imitating sea creatures.

Water bottles, plastic streamers, wires and even clothing take on the form of jelly fish, coral reefs and other underwater life, pretending to blend into the natural environment. The bizarre and unsettling visuals draw attention to the problem of a consumerist culture that disposes of almost everything and doesn't pay much attention to the impact on its environment.

This scuba diving art project reminds us that we are not alone on this planet.
Trend Themes
1. Underwater Pollution Awareness - Using trash to create scuba diving art highlights the pressing issue of underwater pollution.
2. Ecological Art - Artists can creatively raise awareness for ecological issues through their work, spurring important conversations and action.
3. Upcycling Innovation - New materials can be repurposed and upcycled into art or other products, reducing waste and creating value from items that might otherwise be thrown away.
Industry Implications
1. Art & Design - The art world can play a key role in advancing public understanding and action on ecological issues.
2. Consumer Goods - Companies in the consumer goods industry can integrate upcycling practices into their supply chains and marketing efforts, reducing waste and appealing to eco-conscious consumers.
3. Tourism & Adventure - Scuba diving tours and adventure travel companies can integrate ecological educational activities and encounters into their offerings, appealing to travelers looking for unique experiences and making a positive impact on the environment.

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